Have you started going back and forth in your daily life, which is no different from each other? You dieted; you lost weight. Then all of a sudden, you don't know where the end of the rope ran, but you gained a lot of weight back. You tried the recipes you saw in the media; You start counting calories. You restricted yourself, but then turned to more sugar, carbs, and fat. You tried to do sports when you had no energy. You didn't like it at all, maybe even more tired. Instead of focusing on how you feel good, you tried to choose a life according to the criteria given to you. You thought that when you reach these dimensions, happiness will come together. You saw that you were more unhappy when you couldn't reach it. However, what we need to know is that being overweight and not being successful in every sport is not a personality defect, but a result of our body anatomy and biochemistry. Then all we have to do is to understand the biochemistry of our body and act accordingly. Most people now know that this biochemical difference is due to our genes. If we get our energy needs from the right foods instead of fake foods in our busy city life; if we don't switch from one fad diet to another; If we add sports branches that are suitable for our genetic structure, not what everyone else does, by planning them according to our muscle profile; unconsciously using the food supplements you see in advertisements; If we start transforming our lives by making conscious choices according to our genetic sensitivities, without fabricating our lives, and start taking the right breath for our health, that's when everything starts to go smoothly.